Change log
This page lists non-trivial changes made to this material or to automated tests during the course. These changes are also announced on Discord.
We will generally avoid making tests more strict after Test Gadget has opened. If we add tests, we will add them to an ”extra tests” section that doesn’t affect the grade in this instance of the course.
Please point out issues as you see them!
- Intro & setup page: generalized MacOS instructions to apply to both MacOS and Windows.
- Project template: mentioned Linux dependencies to install.
apt install build-essential python3 curl git zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libbz2-dev libffi-dev libreadline-dev liblzma-dev libsqlite3-dev
- ‼️ Workshop rooms changed: Tuesdays in B121 and Fridays in B222.
- Intro & setup: fixed issue in
- Uploaded video of yesterday’s intro lecture here (for registered participants).
- Lecture videos now available here (for registered participants).
- Course site published. Welcome!
- Discord join command fixed: it’s
/join compilers