
spring 2025

8. Analysis & optimization

This chapter is entirely optional. It has no effect on your grade, but it’s hopefully an interesting glimpse into advanced program analysis and optimization.

Prerequisites: this chapter uses syntax and ideas from functions and pointers, but you don’t need to have them implemented to do the exercises here.

Program analysis means computing or verifying some properties of a program, or part of a program. Program analyses can help find opportunities for program optimization, but they can also be used to check safety and correctness properties, similarly to type systems.

In this chapter, we deviate a little from our earlier theory-light approach and briefly survey the rich landscape of possible program analyses, before seeing how to build one ourselves.

Examples of program analyses:

Examples of optimizations that require program analysis:

Many program safety checks rely on program analysis techniques. Examples include the aforementioned type checks and uninitialized variable checks, as well as Rust’s borrow checker.


While some analyses, such as type checking, can be performed naturally on an AST, there are advantages to performing analyses on IR:

We will start by making explicit how program execution can proceed through IR code.

A flowgraph is a directed graph whose nodes are IR instructions and whose edges indicate which IR instruction(s) may be executed next. A simple instruction like Copy has an edge to the next instruction. A Jump(L) has an edge to the label L. A CondJump(..., L1, L2) has an edge to labels L1 and L2 i.e. both possible jump targets.

(Production compilers typically group instructions into ”basic blocks”, but that’s not essential, so we skip it here.)

You are now ready to do exercise 1.

The dataflow framework

The dataflow framework is a traditional way to organize program analyses. While some newer compilers formulate analyses using logic programming, the underlying ideas remain the same and the traditional method remains powerful and useful, and learning it first is likely easiest anyway.

Example: reaching definitions

We’ll sketch the reaching definitions analysis as an example before formalizing the dataflow framework.

Recall that reaching definitions finds which instructions may have been the last to write to a given variable. More formally, reaching definitions finds, for each IR instruction i and for each variable x, the set of IR instructions where x might last have been written to before i.

Reaching definitions is useful for optimizations like constant propagation: if we know that x can only be set to a single constant, we can replace a use of x with a load of a constant near where it’s used. This frees up the storage location of x in the code preceding the use site.

We’ll use this program as an example whose reaching definitions we calculate:

LoadIntConst(1, x)  # <-- writes x
Call(some_condition, [x], c)
LoadIntConst(2, x)  # <-- writes x
CondJump(c, then_clause, end)

LoadIntConst(3, y)     # <-- writes y
Call(f, [x, y], x)     # <-- writes x


The correct answer to reaching definitions at instruction Return(x) is that:

Let’s see how to write an analysis that reaches this conclusion. The idea is that at each instruction, for each variable, we keep track of all possible places where the variable might have last been set. We propagate this information from one instruction to the next, and across jumps. We repeat this until nothing changes any more.

Here is pseudocode for this approach. Afterwards, we’ll generalize much of this into the dataflow framework, of which reaching definitions will be just one instantiation.

  1. Define the type State to be a dictionary of IR variable names to sets of (original) instruction indices.
  2. Define two dictionaries in and out, both mapping instruction indices to States. These define the input and output states of each instruction.
  3. Set out[0] to a state where each variable used by the function is set to the special value -1, signifying ”uninitialized”, and each parameter and global is set to -2, signifying ”predefined”.
  4. For all instruction indices i > 0, set in[i] and out[i] to empty states.
  5. Define a transfer function transfer(s, i) that takes an input state s for instruction i and produces an output state. The transfer function should return an output state that is the same as the input state, except all variables x that the instruction at i writes to should be mapped to the set {i}. This means: if the instruction at i writes to variable x, then right after the instruction at i, x can only have been last set at i.
  6. For each instruction index i:
    • Define set P[i] (”predecessors of i”) to be the indices of the instructions that might be executed immediately before i:
      • If i refers to a label instruction, then P[i] is the set of jump instructions that might jump to i.
      • Otherwise, P[i] = { i - 1 }.
    • Define set S[i] (”successors of i”) be the indices of the instructions that can be executed immediately after i: S[i] = { j | P[j] contains i }
  7. Create a queue Q of instruction indices, and enqueue all instruction indices except 0 to it. This is our work queue. While Q is not empty:
    • Dequeue i from Q.
    • Set in[i] = merge(out[j] for each j in P)
      where merge returns the union of the given sets.
    • Set out[i] = transfer(in[i], i).
    • If out[i] changed from its previous value,
      then enqueue every element of S[i] to Q.

You are now ready to do exercise 2.


The general dataflow framework can be abstracted from the way we just implemented reaching definitions. We just leave the following things abstract:

Here is the pseudocode again, without the specifics of ”reaching definitions”.

  1. Define a type State.
  2. Define two dictionaries in and out, both mapping instruction indices to States. These define the input and output states of each instruction.
  3. Set out[0] to a suitable start state.
  4. For all instruction indices i > 0, set in[i] and out[i] to a suitable state.
  5. Define a transfer function transfer(s, i) that takes an input state s for instruction i and produces an output state.
  6. For each instruction index i:
    • Define set P[i] (”predecessors of i”) to be the indices of the instructions that might be executed immediately before i:
      • If i refers to a label instruction, then P[i] is the set of jump instructions that might jump to i.
      • Otherwise, P[i] = { i - 1 }.
    • Define set S[i] (”successors of i”) be the indices of the instructions that can be executed immediately after i: S[i] = { j | P[j] contains i }
  7. Create a queue Q of instruction indices, and enqueue all instruction indices except 0 to it. This is our work queue.While Q is not empty:
    • Dequeue i from Q.
    • Set in[i] = merge(out[j] for each j in P).
    • Set out[i] = transfer(in[i], i).
    • If out[i] changed from its previous value,
      then enqueue every element of S[i] to Q.

This is the abstract forwards dataflow framework.

You are now ready to do exercise 3.

There is also a very similar backwards dataflow framework (exercise 4 & exercise 5), where data flows in reverse: from out to in and from successors to predecessors.

The backwards dataflow framework is used by e.g. live variables analysis i.e. ”which variables may still be read after a given point in the program?” The idea in live variables analysis is similar to reaching definitions, except in reverse: it looks backwards through the program, and lets a read of a variable introduce the variable into the state while a write removes it.


Reminder: these exercises are optional. Test Gadget will not test your program analyses.

Exercise 1

Write a function that takes a list of IR instructions and returns a flowgraph. Make it possible to retrieve each instruction’s original index too.

Bonus exercise

For later debugging, it may be convenient to write a function that renders a flowgraph using Graphviz.

Exercise 2

Implement the reaching definitions analysis as outlined above, and test it.

Exercise 3

Extract the abstract dataflow framework from your reaching definitions code, and implement reaching definitions using it.

You can make the framework a superclass with abstract methods transfer and merge, or you can make it a function that takes transfer and merge functions as parameters.

Exercise 4

Implement the backwards dataflow framework.

In my experience, it is cleaner to tolerate some code duplication here instead of trying to abstract the direction of dataflow.

Exercise 5

Implement live variables analysis using the backwards dataflow framework.

Properties of program analyses

When designing program analyses, it’s good to be aware of some hard trade-offs that almost all program analyses will have to contend with.

Two program analyses that describe the same property of a program can have different:


Program analyses can be thought of as proving facts about the program, but they can sometimes fail to find proofs for some true facts.

Consider this example:

    var x = 3;
    if 1 == 2 then {

It is true that x is never accessed, but for live variables analysis to prove it, it must know that 1 == 2 is always false, and therefore the then-clause is never executed etc. Some live variables analyses can do that, but we can always invent more complicated scenarios.

There are more detailed ways to characterize precision, and we’ll look at some of them below.

Adding precision can be very costly. The most precise alias analysis methods, for instance, have time complexities proportional to the number of possible program execution paths, which typically grows roughly exponentially with program size.


It is important for a program analysis to be conservative: if it outputs a claim, it must be sure that the claim holds. Otherwise optimizations that rely on its claims could break the program’s behaviour.

For instance, live variables analysis had better be sure that a variable x really is never read after a given point for a register allocator to safely reuse x’s register.

Conversely, if a conservative analysis fails to claim something, we cannot take that as proof that the opposite is true.

For instance, if live variables analysis does not output a claim that variable x is never read after a given point, then we cannot conclude that x is surely read after that point. The correct negation is ”x might be read after that point”.

Non-conservative analyses can still be useful in program style checkers (”linters”) to warn about likely errors. One such analysis might, for instance, warn about a potential read from deallocated memory in the following program, because it can see a potential execution path from delete p to *p:

    var p = new Int(3);
    if a {
        delete p;
    if b {

Such an analysis might be imperfect (non-conservative) because it fails to see potential deletions of p in more complicated code, such as this:

    var p = new Int(3);
    var q = f1(p);  # maybe `f1` returns a copy of `p`
    f2(q);          # maybe `f2` deletes `q`
    f3(*p);         # hard to say if `p` has been deleted

We could imagine a conservative version of this analysis that defaults to claiming every pointer dereference is a potential read from deallocated memory, unless the analysis can find an iron-clad proof that it’s not. Such an analysis would be very difficult to write with a low enough false positive rate to be useful, except in a sufficiently constrained language like Rust.

Example: improving live variables analysis with alias analysis

The results of one program analysis can be used to improve the precision of another. For instance, alias analysis can inform live variables analysis like this:

Say we have an integer variable x and a pointer variable p.

Ordinarily live variables analysis has to conservatively consider expression *p as possibly reading the value of x, unless it can prove that p cannot point to x. Alias analysis may be able to give that proof:

  • If the address of x is never taken, then it’s trivial that p cannot point to x
  • If the address of x is sometimes taken, then an alias analysis might still be able to prove that the address of x can never be assigned to p.

Intraprocedural vs interprocedural

One measure of precision is how an analysis treats function calls.

An intraprocedural analysis analyzes each function separately, ignoring where and how the function gets called. An intraprocedural analysis essentially sees function calls as black boxes that it can assume very little about.

An interprocedural analysis analyzes many functions, or even all functions, together. It typically creates some compact summary of what each function does (e.g. which aliasing relations a function may create). It then passes these state summaries around in a function-level analogue of the dataflow framework.

Consider this program:

fun f(x: Int): Unit { if x == 0 then ... else ...; }


An interprocedural unreachable code detector could conclude that the else-clause is never executed, because x is always zero. An intraprocedural unreachable code detector couldn’t make this conclusion, because it wouldn’t know anything about the value of x.


The precision of an analysis can further be classified by whether it’s ”sensitive” to certian facets of the program’s structure, or whether it ignores them. Here are the most common sensitivities:

A flow-sensitive analysis declares its facts relative to some positions in the program. For instance, a flow-sensitive alias analysis might say that p1 and p2 might point to the same object at IR instruction 7, whereas a flow-insensitive alias analysis can merely say that p1 and p2 might point to the same object at some point.

A path-sensitive analysis looks at if-expression conditions and incorporates them into its judgements. For instance, a path-sensitive alias analysis might see if p1 != p2 then ... and conclude that p1 and p2 cannot point to the same object in the then-clause (but might elsewhere), whereas a path-insensitive alias analysis would not take the if-expression’s condition into account.

A context-sensitive analysis analyzes each function again for each different calling context. A calling context is typically just a place in the program where the function might be called.

Consider this program:

fun f(x: Int): Unit { if x == 0 then ... else ...; }


A context-sensitive unreachable code detector could conclude that the else-clause is never executed in the first function call, and the then-clause is never executed in the second function call.

In contrast a context-insensitive unreachable code detector would just not know anything about the parameter x and think that both clauses might be reached in both calls.

There is nothing inherently wrong with an analysis lacking some sensitivity. Adding a sensitivity can have significant costs in execution speed and implementation complexity, and the corresponding gains in precision are not necessarily huge. Exploring this space remains an area of research.